Alle Quotes — August 2021
Armin Laschet did best in the triell of the chancellor candidates on RTL. That's what the readers of FAZ.NET say: 43 percent of the survey participants see him clearly ahead, 26 percent think Olaf Scholz did best. Or not after all? 36 percent of 2,500 supposedly representative respondents to a Forsa survey think, as RTL and ntv reported after the triell, that Scholz "won all in all." Thirty percent of Annalena Baerbock said the same, and 25 percent of Armin Laschet. That is? The Bild newspaper knows exactly: "Debate debacle for Laschet. Clear victory for Scholz on TV."
(Das deutsche Zitat fällt unter das Leistungsschutzrecht.)
Ceterum censeo LSR esse delendam
How does the psychologist justify this pronounced, almost greedy, penchant for risk? "If I firmly believe that the world will end in ten years, I have three options: Flight, fight or rigidity," says Spitzer. Those who freeze in the face of the crisis completely ignore it and take a gap year in the Caribbean or a sabbatical on a Norwegian farm. Those who fight seek their salvation in activism, join Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future. And those who run away are primarily concerned with themselves, "with my own biceps," as Oliver Spitzer says.
How does the psychologist justify this pronounced, almost greedy, penchant for risk? "If I firmly believe that the world will end in ten years, I have three options: Flight, fight or rigidity," says Spitzer. Those who freeze in the face of the crisis completely ignore it and take a gap year in the Caribbean or a sabbatical on a Norwegian farm. Those who fight seek their salvation in activism, join Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future. And those who run away are primarily concerned with themselves, "with my own biceps," as Oliver Spitzer says.
How does the psychologist justify this pronounced, almost greedy, penchant for risk? "If I firmly believe that the world will end in ten years, I have three options: Flight, fight or rigidity," says Spitzer. Those who freeze in the face of the crisis completely ignore it and take a gap year in the Caribbean or a sabbatical on a Norwegian farm. Those who fight seek their salvation in activism, join Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future. And those who run away are primarily concerned with themselves, "with my own biceps," as Oliver Spitzer says.
How does the psychologist justify this pronounced, almost greedy, penchant for risk? "If I firmly believe that the world will end in ten years, I have three options: Flight, fight or rigidity," says Spitzer. Those who freeze in the face of the crisis completely ignore it and take a gap year in the Caribbean or a sabbatical on a Norwegian farm. Those who fight seek their salvation in activism, join Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future. And those who run away are primarily concerned with themselves, "with my own biceps," as Oliver Spitzer says.
Politicians in Germany point to the citizens, and the citizens point to the politicians. But that belies the report's most important message: there is little time left, which makes it easy to answer the question of who can do the most. Namely, everyone at the same time: corporations, states - and every individual.
"There are only one percent climate deniers left in Germany, but that's not our problem at all. The problem we have is that we all sit around peacefully and say, yes, that's right, there's a climate crisis, and then we go home and bake pancakes."
Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass das Leistungsschutzgesetz abgeschafft gehört.
We are experiencing an election campaign as if under a narcotic. There are also historical reasons for this. But the CDU bears the main responsibility for this. Instead of attacking its political opponents hard, it is backing down on key issues such as climate, transport and migration. But cowardice doesn't win elections.
Oil company Saudi Aramco has significantly increased its profit in the wake of the global economic recovery and rising oil prices. The Saudi industry giant on Sunday reported a surplus of $25.5 billion (about 21.6 billion euros) for the second quarter of 2021. That's nearly four times the year-earlier level ...
In the state of Berlin, several parties with values around 20 percent are fighting for the top spot. This reinforces the tendency for parties to acquire a clientele of around 20 percent and to campaign only for them. The common good is thus increasingly being lost from view. Forming a government is becoming more difficult. It begins with more and more compromises, which are perceived as lazy by the supporters the more sharply their party has previously formulated its clientele goals. And this is then quickly blamed on democracy.
The numbers alone command awe: According to estimates by the Federal Election Commissioner, about 38 percent of eligible voters in the upcoming federal election are over 60. Seniors, mostly retirees, thus hold more power in the state than members of any other age cohort. If that is divided up according to age cohorts, and there is something to be said for that right now.
If federal elections were held next Sunday, the CDU/CSU and the Greens would be elected not because of their candidates for chancellor, but in spite of them. The two most popular politicians, however, are not standing for election. This is a situation that can hardly be sustained for another seven weeks. So either Laschet and Baerbock step out of their functionary costumes and dare to do something. Or Söder and Habeck become secret top candidates. Both would be interesting.
If federal elections were held next Sunday, the CDU/CSU and the Greens would be elected not because of their candidates for chancellor, but in spite of them. The two most popular politicians, however, are not standing for election. This is a situation that can hardly be sustained for another seven weeks. So either Laschet and Baerbock step out of their functionary costumes and dare to do something. Or Söder and Habeck become secret top candidates. Both would be interesting.
In the meantime, the reduction of emissions by 65 percent by 2030 has become a government program and a legal requirement. The Greens had no choice but to turn the screw further in their election program for 2021: "We are raising the German climate target for 2030 to at least -70 percent." That sounds more like coalition poker than a fundamental difference.
The 2019 emergency program also called for "the initiation of the coal phase-out," the introduction of a CO2 price and the adoption of a climate protection law. Meanwhile, these demands have also been met by the government. ... Here, too, the Greens are left with little more than set screw poker ...
We are focusing on innovation and balance. If the price of CO2 goes up, the price of electricity must go down, the EEG levy must be abolished and the commuter allowance must go up. If heating oil becomes more expensive, then the conversion of oil heating must become cheaper. If the fossil combustion engine gets an end date, the switch to electromobility and synthetic fuels must be promoted more strongly.
For too long, economics has also largely ignored the ecological problems of our time and thus the planetary boundaries. Now, however, this is changing rapidly: key concepts such as "market," "competition," "growth," or "debt" are being rethought and reevaluated in economics - with special reference to our freedom.
Falls Sie sich gefragt haben, wann die weithin vorhergesagte Dystopie nach dem Brexit über die Fantasien der Fernsehautoren hinaus in die reale Welt eintreten wird: Plötzlich scheinen wir ein gutes Stück des Weges zu gehen. Die Regale in den Supermärkten sind entweder unterbestückt oder völlig leer.
Die Hitzewellen werden immer heißer. Die Wälder stehen in Flammen. Überschwemmungen vernichten die Erde. In der Antarktis brach ein Eisberg ab, der fast halb so groß wie Puerto Rico ist. Floridas Fleurs du Mal, die als rote Flut bekannten Algenblüten, sind aufgrund von Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel immer giftiger geworden. Sie sind für den Tod von 600 Tonnen Meereslebewesen verantwortlich und hinterlassen die Strände mit stinkenden toten Fischen übersät. Es ist eine apokalyptische Mad Max Situation. Es fühlt sich an, als würden wir die ersten schwindelerregenden 15 Minuten eines Katastrophenfilms erleben, vielleicht eines Films mit dem Titel
"The Day After Tomorrow Was Yesterday".