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This is no professional translation [qtip:(1)|In my opinion, English should become the EU's first official language. It is therefore only logical that I myself publish my texts in English as well. Unfortunately, my skills are far below the level of my mother tongue. I therefore use the translation engine deepl. com, which has set a new standard for online translations. For quality assurance I have the texts translated back and forth, but is not perfect. In addition, unfortunately, I am not able to recognize all the mistakes nor to judge the linguistic "elegance".]

This is no professional translation [qtip:(1)|In my opinion, English should become the EU's first official language. It is therefore only logical that I myself publish my texts in English as well. Unfortunately, my skills are far below the level of my mother tongue. I therefore use the translation engine deepl. com, which has set a new standard for online translations. For quality assurance I have the texts translated back and forth, but is not perfect. In addition, unfortunately, I am not able to recognize all the mistakes nor to judge the linguistic "elegance".]

The Apocalyptic Horsemen

Topic ecology - It is clear to everyone who has his eyes open that things will not go on like this. BUT WE ARE DOING SOMETHING! This is how many people think; they have to review their position: it will not be enough. But also that it won't be enough won't be enough, because "we" don't have only 1 problem. 

In the second part of this video essay it becomes, further back, fundamental.